Best Kauai Snorkel Sites

kauai snorkel spotsBe sure to check out our Snorkel Health & Safety Tips prior to your snorkeling outings.

Snorkel Sites North & West (Princeville, Hanalei):

Ke’e Beach (Ke’e Lagoon) is north on Hwy 56 to the end of the road. Beautiful sandy beach fronts a raised reef, creating a calm lagoon perfect for snorkeling. Dense populations in the shallows, 3-8′. You got maybe a foot of water over the reef top, and the bottom drops on the outside for some snorkel excellanté, but check with the lifeguard first. As with all north shore spots, this one is best in summer. Don’t go if the surf is breaking over the reef!!#*$%?#!! (Must I, Snorkel Bob, really tell you this?)

Haena Beach State Park is approx. 9 mi. past Princeville, across from the Dry Cave. I, Snorkel Bob, walk to the right awhile & enter from the sandy beach. This is TUNNELS, with flat water & an outer reef. .3 mi. west of the Dry Cave is a spot called Cannons. The trail leads to the beach through a residential area. BEST IN SUMMER.

Hideaways only looks steep, distant, and thick in condomania. It’s not. Go right off Hwy 56 at Princeville Center into the complex to where the road dissects the golf course and passes multitudinous multihousing. About 1/4 mile before the end is the overlook to the beach 300’ below. That’s why they call it Hideaways. One path down is at the south end from the condominials. The other is at the north edge. Both take 5 minutes. If you can’t find one or the other, ask around.

Anini Beach Kalihiwai about .4 mi. past the Big Bridge 25-mile marker. Go right on to Kalihiwai Rd.for .2 mi., left at Anini Road, then 2.9 mi. to the end of the road. Waves break 300 yards offshore, leaving the long beauteous beach placid & serene.

Snorkel Sites East:

Lydgate State Park is prime for junior or first-time Snorkel Bobbers with a stone breakwater, showers, picnic tables, & BBQ’S. From the airport road (Ahukini), take Hwy 56 north past the Wailua golf course. Turn right at Leho Rd. Coming from the North, look for the LYDGATE PARK sign just past the Wailua River.

Snorkel Sites: South

(Directions from Koloa town)

Poipu Beach Park  is south on Poipu Rd from Koloa.Go left at the fork in the road & pass the Poipu Shopping Center to Hoowili Rd. Go right. The beach park is across from Brennecke’s Restaurant. Easy parking & facilities.

Koloa Landing is south on Poipu Rd. Go left at the fork towards Poipu & take your first right on Kapili Rd. Turn right again at the stop sign & go .4 mi. to boat landing. I, SB, enter at the boat ramp & snorkel to either point along the rocky coast. No facilities.

Beach House is south on Poipu Rd., then go right at the fork toward Spouting Horn (Lawai Rd.). Look for Beach House Restaurant on the ocean side. Snorkel the small bay by the restaurant, entering at the sandy beach. Many fish live here, even in shallow water. Showers/restrooms are across the road.

Many more spots are known by your fellow snorkelers on the great snorkel byway.

Always ask about parking, surf, surge, current, visibility, fish & safety. If you get asked back, “Do you own your home?” DUCK! It’s a TIMEDOG! (Known to lunge for credit card in jugular fashion & NOT let go.).

Be sure to check out our Snorkel Health & Safety Tips prior to your snorkeling outings.


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