Clean & Sterile Gear, Sanitized in a 3-step process
Reserve NowSnorkel Gear Packages by the Week
The Ultimate Truth snorkel gear package, at 9.8¢/hour, delivers the baby soft, hi-tech, ultra-flex comfort and performance you deserve & came all this way to get.This is the best snorkel/dive mask available, at 2’ or 200’. This top-drawer ensemble is the ultimate tool for clear-water communion. ONLY I, SNORKEL BOB, DEAL THIS KIND OF QUALITY. So reach up from the rent, the whine, the gray sky, the dull commute & rampant ingratitude. Snorkel the Ultimate Truth for an entire week! They’ll never believe this at home & the beach crowd will think you OWN IT!

Ultimate Truth – Adults:
$72/week w/MoflO2 & Moflex Fins
$60week w/MoflO2 Fresh-Air snorkel
$48week w/standard fins & Bubba snorkel
Kids 12 & Under:
$30/week for Li’l Mo Mask with
standard fins & Li’l Bubba snorkel
The 4 Eyes Rx
I, Snorkel Bob, can correct nearsighted in a blink! Ocular disparity will fade in your wake when you can SEE the aqueous realm. Nearsighted corrective diopters range -1.5 to -10.0 as an upgrade option with the Ultimate Truth Ensemble. Li’l Mo Betta™ corrective diopters range -1.5 to -5.0. That’s 4 Eyes for 7 days & includes a highest quality mask with Rx lens, fins, Bubba™ dry snorkel & net bag, No Fog Goop & Fish I.D. card.
4 Eyes – Adults Rx:
$84/week w/MoflO2 & Moflex Fins
$72/week w/MoflO2 Fresh Air Snorkel
$60/week w/standard fins & Bubba snorkel
4 Eyes – Kids Rx 12 & Under:
$42/week w/ Li’l Mo Betta Mask, standard fins & Li’l Bubba snorkel

The Split Level snorkel gear package is a step up to medium-soft, mid-tech, quasi-flex, in a mid-range ensemble that gets you a step closer to the luxury you dreamed of. It’s perfect, if you don’t mind not arriving but still want to look like you’re on the way. NOTE: Silicone rubber comes in 18 grades, Geo to Mercedes. At Grade 9, the Split Level is in there like a Taurus wagon with this one-size-fits-most option. You get all the peripherals here too, including Map ‘n Tips. Split level for a week is a most popular selection if money is an object but you want to look relaxed. Includes mask, fins, Bubba™ dry snorkel & net bag, No-Fog Goop & a Fish I.D. card.
Upgrade to a MoflO2™ or MoflO2RS Fresh-Air Snorkel to step up from the BUBBA Snorkel for only $12/week extra on any set.
$38/Week. (Adults Only)
$50/Week with MoflO2 Fresh-Air snorkel
For kids see Ultimate Truth above.

The Budget Crunch Special is everything you need to watch fish while sucking air through a plastic tube. Not the best, but far better than the junk common to the snorkel hustlers. $24 gets you a week with mask, fins, Bubba™ dry snorkel & net bag. No frills here, but I’ll throw in the fish I.D. for ichthyological erudition, No-Fog Goop for clarity & a Snorkel Map ‘n Tip Sheet for guidance.
$30/Week. Yum. (Adults Only)
For kids see Ultimate Truth above.